From 4 to 7 October will take place the next edition of the National Congress of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH), which is the premier scientific event within the field of Spanish Hospital Pharmacy.
Our slogan, “Broadening Horizons”, will be the guiding theme of a Congress that aims to befully inclusive for everybody; a Congress that reflects the changes being experienced in our profession and which addresses the needs and demands of the members of the SEFH. In preparing the event, we have been guided by the concept of learning, recognizing the work and commitment of our colleagues who build this profession on a daily basis and of the need to tackle the new challenges that will determine current and future growth.
In this respect we have put forward the various strategic lines that make up our scientific programme: Broadening Horizons in primary and ongoing healthcare; Broadening Horizons in Clinical Pharmacy in collaboration with other Scientific Bodies and other professionals; and broadening international horizons, taking the developments in our profession to other countries that can benefit from our experience and vice versa.
The 61st Congress will have a single Committee for the first time this year, made up equally of members from Asturias and from the rest of Spain, with a significant representation from the Governing Board of the SEFH. All of us are working towards a single common goal: to offer a scientific programme of the highest standard and a congress designed for the delegates, SEFH members, speakers and everyone whose collaboration makes it possible.
We have an incomparable setting for rolling out the 61stNational Congress of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy: Gijón, a city that shares many adjectives with our Scientific Society: active, energetic, restless and dynamic, constantly growing and rediscovering itself with a multitude of activities and with plenty to offer the congress delegate. Within this great city we will be hosted in a remarkable and unique space: An Exhibition Centre which houses the Convention Centre, with an extensive trade show area and various halls which will be customized to become a small Congress city, allowing us to explore innovative ways in which to develop our scientific programme and all the other activities involved in the event.
Knowledge, future, life and Gijón; this will be our Congress and we want you to be involved in this great event. Make sure you don’t miss out!
Dra. Cristina Calzón Blanco | Dr. Miguel Ángel Calleja Hernández |
President, 61st Congress | President, SEFH |